Saturday, August 31, 2019

Adults with Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety and depression are two of the most common mental disorders in the adult stage. Anyone can develop anxiety and depression but its not something to worry about since both can be cured with medication or therapy. It may be caused by different factors and adults more often experience this mental condition.Anxiety and depression are two conditions that should be addressed immediately because it affects people's social life and other life processes. There have also been documented cases that adult who suffered from these commits suicide. This paper discusses the meaning of anxiety and depression among adults and at the same time describe how to get medical treatment before something worse happens.Defining Anxietyâ€Å"Anxiety, in the simplest sense is defined as a form of response or reaction† (Callanan, 1992, p.50). It is one state of emotion wherein individuals tends to feel lesser or more anxious toward a particular event in their life (Callanan, 1992, p.50). Anxiety can be seen as an extreme state of shyness indicated by blushing.Shame occurs when one sees himself as being responsible for negative outcomes or for failing in public. Anxiety is also characterized by a discomfort when performing in front of an audience (stage fright) which can lead to an inhibition of speech.This is one good way to test anxiety because the individual is afraid of being under the scrutiny of others. Both kinds of apprehension in face of tests and interactions share this aspect of evaluation anxiety. The state of anxiety refers to the acute feeling in the process of emotional experiencing.The trait of anxiety refers to a proneness to respond with state anxiety in threatening situations. It can also be defined as excessive worrying which involves fearful reaction (Callanan, 1992, p.50).Although the aforementioned statements cited negativity about the definition of anxiety, Margie Callanan on her book entitled â€Å"Anxiety. In Adult Psychological Problem† (1992) s tated that anxiety is also vital for adult's life survival (Callanan , 1992, p.50).â€Å"It also seems to be a feature of being successful since classic laboratory studies shows that people with moderate levels of anxiety leads them to optimizing task performance and that too much little of anxiety leads to worse performance† (Callanan , 1992, p.50).Defining DepressionDepression is not merely feeling lonely or down. Feeling lonely at times is normal for any person but when this mood persists for weeks or even months, this is no longer a simple case of loneliness. The person experiencing this is under a depressed state (Yip and Lee, 2003, pp.5-11). Depression is a common illness but is also severe.Many people fail to get treatment for this kind of disorder but with proper consultation and treatment, even the worst cases of depression can be cured. Depression in its own meaning is not life threatening but it could have drastic effects on the patient's life as well as the lives of the people around him (Yip and Lee, 2003, p. 157).There are different types of depression but the most common are major depressive disorder and dysthymic disorder (Yip and Lee, 2003, p. 7). Other forms of depression are psychotic depression, postpartum depression, seasonal affective disorder (SAD), and bipolar disorder (Yip and Lee, 2003, p. 19).Describing Adults who experiences Anxiety and DepressionCauses/OriginsNo matter what aspects caused the anxious or depressive state among adults, it is no mere state if mind and it may be traced to some physical changes as a person ages because the brain as undergoes an imbalance of neurotransmitters, which is known as the chemical that carries from in the brain and in the nerves (Goroll,, 2003, p. 807).Trauma and stress from financial problems, failed relationships, the death of someone dear, and other extreme life changes are factors that could result in either anxiety or depression. Pessimistic people are also more prone to thes e (Goroll,, 2003, pp.50-58).Other medical conditions such as heart ailments, obesity, HIV and cancer may also lead to anxiety and depression (Goroll,, 2003, pp.49-54). It may also worsen some medical conditions since it weakens the immune system. Some medications may also constitute depression. Moreover, other psychological disorders like schizophrenia for example have been noted to accompany anxiety and depression (Goroll,, 2003, p.79).DiagnosisMagnetic Resonance Technology (MRI) indicates that the brains of depressed people look different from the brain of normal people (Goroll,, 2003, p.300). The area of the brain that is responsible for mood and behavior do not function normally for adult people with anxiety and depression.Talking to the patient is the best step in the diagnosis of anxiety and depression. The doctor should try to find out if symptoms have began to manifest to figure out if there is anxiety and depression and what stage has been reache d.The symptoms could last for the adult's remaining years and may inevitably affect his/her personality and work habits, in which case, other people could lose empathy for the patient. Depression also causes other various changes in behavior (Goroll,, 2003).TreatmentTreatment is never a problem for anxiety and depression patients since even the most extreme cases can be cured. One other disease has been ruled out, and the doctor is certain that the patient is suffering from anxiety and depression (Goroll,, 2003, p. 109).Adult patients who experiences anxious and depressing conditions are usually given prescriptions for countering the said feelings. There are anti-depressants made in order to normalize the secretion of brain chemicals such as neurotransmitters, serotonin and norepinephrine (Goroll,, 2003, p.49).These chemicals aid in regulating the mood of a person and as previously stated, neurotransmitters are secreted in abnormal levels under depression. Thus, normalizing the secretion of this chemical will help the patient recover from depression. These anti-depressants may however have side effects such as headache, nausea, insomnia and nervousness, agitation and sexual problems.Psychotherapy or â€Å"talk therapy† is also another form of treatment for adult anxiety and depression. Cognitive behavioral-therapy and interpersonal theraphy are two forms of psychotherapy that have been proven to work for adult who has anxiety and depression. These kinds of therapy may, however, only be effective for mild to moderate cases of adult anxiety and depression. More severe cases might call for both anti-depressants and psychotherapy (Callanan, 1992, pp.24-42).   If anti-depressants and psychotherapy do not work, electro convulsive therapy, also know as shock therapy is another treatment option. Shock therapy has gained a negative reputation in the past but it has been proven to provide relief for patients that have severe depression (Cal lanan, 1992, p42).Herbal remedies such have been used by some people for some time but research indicated that it is not effective in the treatment of depression. Other research indicated that the plant has components that produce unfavorable reactions with other medications (Goroll,, 2003, p.641).ConclusionAnxiety and Depression are common mental disorders and yet, many fail to get treatment for it because it often goes undiagnosed. Adult people and their family should be aware that anxiety and depression should be taken seriously and whenever the symptoms occur, professional help should always be sought.The two can easily be cured so enduring it should never be an option since it does not affect only adults, but also the people around them.References:Callanan, M. (1992). Anxiety. In Adult Psychological Problems. Champion, L.A., & Power,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   M.J. (Eds). New York: Routledge.Goroll, A.H., Mulley, A.G., & Mulley, A. Jr. (Eds). (2006). Primary Care Medicine.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Amsterdam: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.Yip, P.S., & Lee, D.T. (2003). Depression Among Elderly and Postpartum Women. In   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Depressive Disorders. Maj, M. & Sartorious, N. (Eds). New Jersey: John Wiley and   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Sons.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Why you should follow nutrition

  IntroductionOf the many things one can do to enhance one’s state of health, none is more important than maintaining proper nutrition. The mind and body cannot function optimally without the proper supply of nutrients and energy obtained from food.A key tenet of the holistic approach to health is that each person must take responsibility for his or her own health. Making intelligent decisions about nutrition—about what and how much to eat—is an important part of this responsibility, because the diet one chooses and follows can keep one healthy. In the words of Philip Lee (1977) professor of social medicine at the University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine:As a nation we have come to believe that our medicine and medical technology can solve all our major health problems†¦ But the problems can never be solved merely by more and more medical care. The health of individuals and the health of the population is determined by a variety of biolo gical (host), behavioral, sociocultural, environmental factors. None of these is more important than the food we eat (Burkitt et al. 1974).Good nutrition: Striking the Right BalanceWhat is the best argument for following a good nutrition in one’s life instead of eating all the junk food one can consume. Every person’s body has a unique chemical and physical composition that corresponds to a state of optimal wellness, because the human body is constructed of atoms and molecules that are arranged in particular combinations and proportions that are unique to each person. One’s body contains few of the same atoms and molecules it had even a few weeks ago, because its chemical constituents are continually replaced by different atoms and molecules acquired from the food one eats.There are about forty known essential nutrients and perhaps others are not yet identified, that must be continually resupplied to the body (Ricciuto). Failure to obtain enough of one or more o f the essential nutrients can result in a nutritional deficiency disease, such as goiter (enlarged thyroid gland), which may be caused by too little iodine, beri-beri, a disease characterized by weakness and wasting away that is caused by too little thiamine (vitamin B1), anemia (too few red blood cells) from insufficient iron; and blindness from vitamin A deficiency, the most common cause of blindness in children, world-wide. Since all nutrients act in concert, a deficiency of one may impair the utilization of others even if the others are acquired in adequate amounts. Thus, a proper nutritional state is a matter of maintaining a complex balance of the essential nutrients.One can argue that one eats a little of everything in the proper amounts just to keep fit. But still it does not work that way. This is because poor health can result in eating too much of certain kinds of food, or from eating too much in general. For example, overeating is the principal cause of obesity, which co ntributes to the development of such serious diseases as high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes and some forms of cancer. Cancer of the colon may be related to eating too much meat and processed foods and not getting enough fiber or roughage that may be essential to maintain a healthy colon. High salt intake is related to high blood pressure and high sugar intake is related to tooth decay (the most prevalent disease in the industrialized world). Much of the tooth decay could be prevented if people followed very simple nutrition rules (Breslow & Enstrom 1980).Physiological Benefits of Body WorkOur industrial society depends on an enormous variety of machines that free people from an equally enormous number of physical tasks. Some of these tasks, such as heavy construction work of large-scale farming, would be well-nigh impossible without the help of machines. Others, such as traveling to work or school, getting to the seventh floor of a building, or washing clothes, could be accomplis hed without the aid of machines (and some people argue they ought to be), but few of us are likely to give up the use of cars, elevators, and washers. They simply make the task of daily living easier. As a result, few people do much moving around under their own muscular power. That is, many of us get little exercise.According to William B. Kannel and Paul Sorlie (1979) who have studied the effects of lifestyle on the occurrence of heart disease:  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Over the past quarter of a century, there has evolved a growing suspicion that the transformation of man by modern technology from a physically active agrarian creature to a sedentary industrial one has exacted a toll in ill health. The evidence on which this is based comes from epidemiological studies, clinical observations, and the work physiologist. Most of the attention has been focused on the possible contribution of physical indolence to the development of cardiovascular disease, the chief health hazard of affluent societies and their leading cause of death.†In addition to the physiological benefits, regular physical activity has psychological and spiritual benefits as well. Fr example, a study of middle-aged university professors found that regular exercise made them more self-sufficient, more persevering, less likely to experience mood swings, and more imaginative (Ismail and Trachtman, 1973). In another study, both men and women university students who engaged in regular physical activity were found to have greater self-control, to have increased self-awareness, and to be more self-directed. They also demonstrated a positive self-image (Jeffers, 1977).One of the principal psychological benefits that can come from regular body work is experiencing periods of relaxed concentration, characterized by reduction in physical and psychic tensions, regular breathing rhythms, and increased self-awareness. This experience is often compared to meditation. Tennis instructor Tim Gallwey (1976) describes fou r stages for obtaining a state of relaxed concentration through body work. The first stage, â€Å"paying attention,† occurs at the beginning of a body work session and involves riveting your concentration on your body work and excluding all other thoughts. The stage of paying attention requires a certain degree of self-discipline—the desire and ability to say â€Å"no† to other demands on your time and energies and to say â€Å"yes† to yourself.WORKS CITEDBurkitt, D. P. Walker, R.P. and Painter , N.S.   â€Å"Dietary Fiber and Disease.† Journal of theAmerican   Medical Association, 229 (1974), 1068-1074.Breslow, L. and Enstrom, J.E. â€Å"Persistence of Health Habits and Their Relationship toMortality.† Preventive Medicine, 9 (1980). 469-483.Ismail, A.H. and Trachtman, I.E. â€Å"Jogging the Imagination.† Psychology Today. 6(1973), 78-82Jeffers, J. M. â€Å"The Effects of Physical Conditions on Locus of Control, Body Image andInt erpersonal Relationship Orientations. University Males and Females.Dissertation Abstracts, 37 (1977) 3289.Kannel, W.B. and Sorlie, P. â€Å"Some Health Benefits of Physical Activity.† Archives ofInternal Medicine, 139 (1979) 857-861.Ricciuto, Anthony. What Power Nutrition can do for you. Retrieved April 19, 2007 at:

The Hammon and the Beans: Critical Analysis

Analyzing â€Å"The Hammon and the Beans† In â€Å"The Hammon and the Beans† author Americo Paredes writes about the problems of Mexican-American children growing up in poverty. The story takes place around 1926 in a fictional south of Texas setting of Jonesville-on-the-Grande, under the shadows of Fort Jones. This setting is reminiscent with Paredes home of Brownsville and historic Fort Brown, established in 1846 to house troops during the Mexican-American War and later used to defend the border. The story features child characters that observe, but do not fully understand the uneasiness of the adult world of south Texas.Our young, unnamed narrator sets the tone by describing his home which is his grandfather’s dirty, yellow, big-framed house. He also notes why his mother hated it. â€Å"They had fleas, she said. † He goes on to render how the people of Jonesville-on-the-Grande became in sync with the routine on the post at Fort Jones. â€Å"At eight, th e whistle from the post laundry sent us children off to school. The whole town stopped for lunch with the noon whistle, and after lunch everybody went back to work when the post laundry said it was one o’ clock. As the young boy recounts â€Å"border troubles† and why the soldiers came back to old Fort Jones, he casually introduces Chonita. Chonita is one of his playmates as well as a family friend. Her mother did his family’s laundry for use of a one-room shack on a vacant plot of land belonging to his grandfather. Chonita plays a rather large role in this young boy’s memory. He describes how after the post’s flag went down every night, Chonita would walk to the soldier’s mess halls and watch through the screen as they stuffed themselves. She would stand there until they were finished so that the cooks would grant her the leftovers.He had just moved into the neighborhood when a boy invited him to hear Chonita make a speech. He saw she was a scrawny girl with dirty feet. All of the children were looking on as she stood atop an alley fence. Everyone was shouting, â€Å"Speech! Speech! Let Chonita make a speech! Talk in English Chonita! † She yelled out, â€Å"Give me the hammon and the beans! Give me the hammon and the beans! † Every evening Chonita would make her speech as the young boy waited until they could go play. One day the young boy fell ill and when he was cured Chonita was not around. As he grew through the 1930s he thought of her and the hammon and the beans often.Eventually, he learned that Chonita had passed away from an illness. The night of Chonita’s death, everyone was really sad, but the young boy just felt strange. The doctor told the boy’s father that Chonita’s father was in a rather joyous mood. The boy’s father told the doctor that the man was not Chonita’s biological father and that her real father had been shot and hanged. The two men proceeded wit h a conversation about radicalism, and came to no significant conclusion. The young boy headed off to bed at his mother’s request. As he lay there not fully asleep, he thought about Mexican hero Emiliano Zapata.He heard the bugle blare at the post and thought of Chonita in heaven shouting, â€Å"Give me the hammon and the beans! † He began to cry, and not knowing why he was crying he felt better. Using â€Å"The Hammon and the Beans† Americo Paredes described the Brownsville of his youth. Paredes wrote with a darkly tragic irony of a young boy’s first encounter with death. I believe Chonita was a symbol. A symbol of how Mexican-Americans struggled against poverty, prejudice, and loss of cultural identity. Work Cited Paredes, Ame? rico. The Hammon and the Beans. Houston, TX: Arte Publico, University of Houston, 1994. Print.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Issues That Lead to the Recession Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

Issues That Lead to the Recession - Term Paper Example â€Å"A significant decline in activity across the economy, lasting longer than a few months. It is visible in industrial production, employment, real income and wholesale-retail trade. The technical indicator of a recession is two consecutive quarters of negative economic growth as measured by a countrys gross domestic product (GDP); although the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) does not necessarily need to see this occur to call a recession.†(Recession†¦.) Recession hurts the government in some of the vital areas that are the supporting pillars of the economy and its impact is unfavorable news for the government budget. Government borrowings rise. Tax revenues dip low due to lower income tax and corporate tax revenues. With the steep rise in the unemployment levels, the government is obliged to extend unemployment benefits to a wider section of the society. Higher borrowing leads to higher taxes and additional interest payments in the future. As shares turn unattractive, the prices begin to dip. Lower profitability and lower dividends create a depressive mood for the investors and they look out for alternative sources of investment. The fall in share prices continues in anticipation of recessionary trends prolonging. But this is only the initial phase. When recession is at its hardest phase, the developments take a strange turn. In anticipation of economic recovery, share prices begin to recover, as the prudent investor calculates that it is the favorable time to invest from the point of view of long term gains. Falling prices of shares may be due to various other factors as well, not alone recession. The normal reaction to recession is that it should result in a lower inflation rate. The highlight of recession is it reduces demand and wage inflation. The issue to be examined is what economic factors impact the recession hard. The current recession is due to rise in oil prices. The expert opinion about this inflation is, it is bound to

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Antony and Cleopatra Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Antony and Cleopatra - Essay Example Therefore, it becomes debatable if he actually lost honor or gained honor over the course of the play. Berek (1981) notes that the play is full of conflicts and these conflicts are internal as well as external. For example, the conflict between Rome and Egypt is an external conflict which is reflected in political struggles as well as war in which honor can be gained or lost. For Antony however, the internal conflicts between reason and emotion as well as duty and love are more difficult to handle than war or politics. In fact, the character of Mark Antony gains as wel as loses honor because of these conflicts that he can not handle and as reported by Berek, â€Å"These fatal conflicts corrupt Mark Antony (in the older view of the play) or (as more recent critics argue) translate the lovers into a realm of pure nobility† (1981, Pg. 295). The case of Antony is also complicated by the fact that his definition of honor focuses on who he is as a person. Instead of considering himself to be honorable if he is able to vanquish his enemies or honorable if he is able to help his friends in need, he considers his honor to be his own self. He says â€Å"If I lose my honor, / I lose myself† (Act 3, Scene 4) and for him, this definition is sufficient. While we have a general idea of what were honorable acts during the times the play is set, we have no real insight into what Mark Antony considers to be the exact meaning of honor. We do however get an idea of what he could think is a loss of honor since falling in love with Cleopatra has made his lose his wife and his sense of duty towards Rome. In Act 1, Scene 2, Antony says that he could â€Å"lose himself† since he is continually doting upon Cleopatra and not focusing on his duties. At the same time, there is honor and inherent nobility in love which he considers to be more important than the duties that he feels. This sort of flip flop lets the audience know that he is indeed an honorable man but he is in

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

JFK's Influence on the Civil Rights Movement Essay

JFK's Influence on the Civil Rights Movement - Essay Example The movement was more or less non-violent in nature. The civil rights movement of the people of America was a success as the protest was resultant into changes in attitude of the people of America mainly the upper class towards the African-Americans. From a broader perspective not all who stressed for racial fairness between 1954 and 1968 did so in the expectation of endorsingpeaceful social change. A noteworthyshare of the civil rights drive was, however, dedicated to the idea of diplomatic challenges, rather than bloodstainedconfrontation or attack, to change racist establishments. Historian does believe that USA President John F. Kennedy was a significant character associated with the civil rights movement in the USA. The paper is critically analyzing the role played by USA president John F. Kennedy during the 1960s civil rights movement in the USA. The thesis associated with this paper is: Is John F Kennedy is the most influential president of the USA in terms of implementation o f Civil Rights and other policy implementation. John F Kennedy was considered as one of the key player in the successful implementation of civil rights movement in the USA.As a matter of fact his role in the civil rights movement of 1960s was considered as of his greatest legacies. His speech during 1963 while framing the civil rights as both legitimate and moral authoritative force helped to a great extent to form the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and made him an icon of the movement. During 1960, there was a President election scheduled to be held in the USA and candidates for that post John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon. The movement was so intense that neither of them was able to ignore that. John F. Kennedy was the winner of that election and his sympathy for civil rights leader Martin Luther King when he was in jail was a great step taken by him which created an image of his

Monday, August 26, 2019

Multinational Corporations in Third World Countries Essay

Multinational Corporations in Third World Countries - Essay Example Globalization is a phenomenon where the world is increasingly becoming integrated socially, economically and politically. These is mainly due to advancements in information communication technology( ICT), improvement in transport infrastructure, expedite mass migration and movement of people as well as the trade in goods and services leading to an increased economic activity that has surpassed national markets necessitating the need to exploit markets outside the borders (Jan A S, 2000). Increased technological advancement, liberalized world markets and intense competition has resulted to increased globalization. Third world countries is a term that refers to the least developed countries of the south which includes countries found in Asia, Africa, Latin America Oceania and the Caribbean. The term came about after world war two where the bourgeoisie regimes of the west were referred to as the west while the antagonistic regimes of the orient were referred to as the East and were socialist. The newly independent countries of the south coined the term third world to signify their non aligned disposition. These countries are generally characterized by low levels of investments, rampant poverty and diseases, high illiteracy levels, poor infrastructure, political instability, poor governance where the ruling elites are wealthy (comprador bourgeoisie) coupled with high birth rate with low economic growth rate (Breda P, 1983). Other features include distorted and highly dependent economies(dependency) on aid, grants and technical assistance, a key feature that is furthered by the actions of the MNC 'S and global institutions like the world bank and the International Monetary Fund(IMF). These economies generally produce primary goods that are exported to the west for value addition while they act as markets for finished products from the west. As they are technologically inferior. Third world countries lag behind in development because of various factors but it should be noted that they why brought into the global capitalistic system through colonization-a stage in globalization, a phenomena whose effect was to be felt later more so with end of the cold war. This is one of the major reasons for the cause of under development in the least developed countries. These poor countries have always sought various ways by which they can solve these development problems mainly through foreign aid and technical assistance that is overly done under the auspice of international institutions e.g. the World Bank and the IMF. These efforts have failed over the years to stem the sinking of these countries further down the path of under development hence today there is a new approach to development in the south through the need to attract and retain the foreign direct investments (FDI's). One way of achieving these objectives has been through the privatization of state enterprises.Privatization is the sale, transfer or concession of government assets or services to a privately owned entity. This has been the cornerstone of the structural adjustment program advocated by the World Bank and the IMF in the 1980's to try and stimulate growth and development in the third world (Emmanuel S S, 1987). The aim has always been to increase efficiency brought by the need for profit maximization, and increase revenue to the state in

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Police academy training Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Police academy training - Research Paper Example It also included knowledge in areas such as law, traffic enforcement, officer safety and arrest procedures. Somewhat neglected areas were those of communications, problem solving, police-community relations, and diversity-the areas of which new era sees the importance. Training is now considered to be one of the key elements necessary for community policing to reach its full potential (King and Lab, 2000) Community-oriented policing, or shorter-COPS, is currently touted by academicians and practitioners (to be able to answer to crime and solve police-community conflicts) and financially supported by the federal government, enabling COPS to be a well-funded government program. However, training of police officers has yet to receive much attention. Police training is relatively a new phenomenon, even though COPS existed since the 1980s both in theory and practice. From the historical point of view, training of police officers doesn’t quite keep up with policing practice, with no exception of training in COPS. The responsibilities of police officers under COPS differ and the training programs do not focus enough on causes of crime and disorder and crime prevention; by traditional training, officers are prepared for a narrow focus on law-enforcement duties instead of focusing on more generalist approach entailed by community. Recruits spend 90% of their training time on driving, firearms, self-defense, first aid, as well as some other use-of-force tactics, even though only 10% of their duties will maybe put them in positions to need to use these skills. Some jurisdictions base their basic recruit program on a Job Task Analysis (JTA) to be able to ensure that what is done on the job is reflected by the training. However, JTA often focuses on what has been done on the job and not on what needs to be learned to be able to do the job better or to prepare new officers for community policing. Training is adapting to community policing very slowly and what makes th is transition especially difficult is the conflict values between traditional (reform) policing and the current one. The purpose of community policing training is to help officers to be able to solve problems and employ community engagement techniques every day while they are working. The recruit academy is a very important part of occupational socialization for police officers, and for that reason training centers should teach the philosophy of COPS during the recruit training. If they do not receive a proper training, officers will be less likely to understand the philosophy of COPS and, therefore, they will not be able to translate the philosophy into effective practice. The fact that policing shifted toward community relations and problem solving leads to COPS’ improved knowledge and additional skill, but doesn’t exclude the need for traditional skills. The skills that are needed for COPS will not become second-nature if comprehensive training in the theories and m ethods of community-oriented policing are not provided. This means that recruits must understand the values of community-oriented policing (e.g. building trust within the neighborhood), and also the skills that are needed for the community-oriented policing to be conducted. (Eck and Spelman, 1987). Those who promote the innovative training programs recognize the need of police recruits to learn the traditional

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Origins of vernacular language Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Origins of vernacular language - Essay Example Some of the vernacular language carries an interesting history laced up with all its delicacies and ethical norms. Latin and the vernacular languages Originally Latin was among one of the Italic Languages which later underwent into a continuous development and in each period it showed some significant changes between the literary written language which was influenced by other languages including Celtic Languages, Etruscan and Greek. There was an obvious difference between the linguistics used by an educated class and a uneducated class. It was in c.70 BCE to c.14 CE when Latin was at its peak and was used by poets and writers whose literature is still considered to be a golden heritage. Latin which went into a lot of brushing and grooming by other languages like Greek was then adopted by Western Church in Rome where Christianity was the most dominant religion and Latin fathers helped in compiling Christian Doctrine. African American Vernacular English (AAVE) African American Vernacul ar English is commonly known as a black vernacular as it is spoken and understood in a region where black masses are living in. It is another form of English with difference of grammatical changes in English Language used or understood in America. Controversies are noted with a subject of emergence of AAVE.

Friday, August 23, 2019

The Morality Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Morality - Case Study Example d that by doing the right thing for the right reason, a person’s values and moral ideas become even more solid if undergoing a similar situation (Hamm 151). Simply put, morality of actions create less harm but not necessarily much more positive events for all parties involved (Brandt 58). As an example regarding morality is the raising of children in full awareness of all things that are universally known to be moral and ethical. Parents can either choose to let others do it for them, by letting the children become aware of what is right or wrong, under the guidance of authorities such as teachers, law enforcement officers, and the like. If the parents could possibly can, they could also teach their own children instead, and using their own words, ideas, beliefs as well as their own personal experiences, bring to them either simplified or complex thought patterns that would be accepted by the society as moral and just. Still another way of teaching children would be by using the power of punishment in cementing the ideas of morality by association with pain, physically or otherwise. However, there is still a debate as to whether punishment would be able to send the message or not to younger folk (Hamm 114). Punishment could very much bring the idea of right or wrong but at times the effect would not last as long due to other factors that may well be outside of the sphere of influence of the home. Still, despite the fact that children can be very much affected by anything from outside the home, parents would still be judged based on the actions of their offspring, thus bringing up the idea that parents have a greater moral obligation of raising children that would be functional and effective members of the society, rather than letting them grow up blind to the morals of the society. In relation to the concept of moral obligations, another aspect of morality is the application of the concept of utilitarianism, wherein the final result would justify the means by

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Human ressources management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 1

Human ressources management - Assignment Example Performances of the organizations are highly dependent on the efficiencies of the employees. The employees are highly informed on this matter. Sometimes they try to resist different changes by manipulating their performance, efficiency and productivity. Organizational change is a serious issue that every modern company is facing. Organizational change is the systematic movement of a company from one position to another position. It may change the outlook of an organization. Resistance of change is not a new concept. Whenever organizations have come up with different changes they face significant and tough challenges from the employees. Sometimes resistances are prominent or direct and sometimes it has been underlying or indirect. The companies across the world are spending lots of money and energy for implementing changes in their organizations without facing too much of resistances. Here in this essay a detailed discussion will be done about how the employees offer effective resista nces to prevent any organizational changes. The essay will include introduction, main body and conclusion. It will be a step by step approach. The main objective of this essay is to find various ways through which employees around the world resist different organizational changes. Organizational change is a regular phenomenon. With the changing scenarios employees are also varying their ways to oppose any changes. The study will help to understand that how employees often hinder the way of changes. In this essay the main objective will be to find out and analyze different methods, generally employees across the world follows to prevent any changes. This essay will inform managements of the different organizations about the possible responses of the employees in the context of organizational changes. If managements of the organizations are able to get the pictures of possible resistances then it will be easy for them to manage different resistances. In

Athanasius Biography Essay Example for Free

Athanasius Biography Essay Athanasius is counted as one of the four great doctors of the church in the Roman Catholic church as well as one of the great doctors of the church in Eastern Orthodoxy where he is also labeled the Father of Orthodoxy. He is also celebrated by many Protestant who label him as Father of the Canon, Athanasius is venerated as Christian saint whose feast day is May 2 in western community. May 5 is the Coptic orthodox church and January 18 is the other Eastern orthodox churches. St. Athanasius was born in the city of Alexandria or possibly the nearby Nile delta town of Damanhur, California 296-298. It is speculated that his parents were wealthy enough to afford giving him an esteemed secular learning. He came from a Christian family despite accounts to the contrary as in his writings, he tells more than once of an aunt. who taught him some principles of the Christian faith, and a father who did the same as well as mentioning (once), his mother doing the same. He has a Christian brother and later in his life is one of his exiles, he hid in his father’s tomb in what appears to be describe as a Christian cemetery.He knew Greeks and he admits to not knowing Hebrew. The old testament he quotes frequently came from the Septuagint Greek translation his knowledge of the old testament is limited to the Septuagint. He was able to write a letter in exile with no access to a copy of the scriptures and quote from a memory verse in the old testament. The combination of scriptural study and a Greek learning was characteristic of the famous Alexandrian school of element, origin Dionysius and Theognostus. It was from St. Alexander of Alexandria.Bishop of Alexandria 312-328 himself an Origenist that St. Athanasius received his main instruction. His earliest work against heathens – on the Incarnation, bears traces of origenist, Alexandrian thought but in an orthodox way. The Alexandria of his boyhood was an epitome, intellectually, morally and politically of the ethnically diverse Greco Roman World. St. Athanasius seems to have been brought early in life under the immediate supervision of the ecclesiastical authorities of his native city.He was ordained deacon by the contemporary patriarch Alexandria. In 319-325, he served as a Alexander’s secretary at the first council of Nicaea, already recognized theologian and ascetic. He was the devious choice to replace alexander as the Patriarch of Alexandria on the latter’s dealth in 328. Despite the opposition of the followers of the Arius and Meletius of Lycopolis. Athanasius spent the first five years of his patriarchate visiting the churches of his territory which at that time included all of Egypt and Libya. During this period he established contacts with the hermits and monks of the dessert including Pachomius. Athanasius became occupied with the disputes with Byzantine Empire and Arians which occupy much of his life. Athanasius first problem lay with the meletians who had failed to abide by the terms of the decision made at the first council of Nicaea which had hoped to reunite them with the church. Athanasius himself was accused of mistreating Arians and the followers of Meletius of Lycopolis. On the death of Emperor Constantine I, Athanasius was allowed to return to his see of Alexandria shortly after Constantine son. The new Roman Emperor Constantius II renewed the order for Athanasius banishment in 338. Athanasius went to Rome where he was under the protection of constans, the Emperor of the West. Pope Julius wrote the supporters of Arius strongly urging the rein-statement of Athanasius but the effort proved to be in vain.He called a synod in Rome in the year 341 to address the matter and at that meeting, Athanasius found to be innocent of all the charges raised against him. Julius also called the council of sardica in 343. This council confirmed the decision of the earlier Roman synod and clearly indicated that the participants saw St. Athanasius as the lawful patriarch of Alexandria.Athanasius to return to Alexandria, Athanasius return was welcomed by majority of the people of Egypt who had come to view him as a National Hero. During the time Athanasius assembled several documents relating to his exiles and returns from Exile in the Apology against the Arians, however upon constans dealth a civil was broke which left constantius as sole Emperor, renewing his previous policies favoring the Arians that banished Athanasius from Alexandria again. Athanasius left for upper Egypt, where he stayed in several monasteries and other houses. He computed his work Four Orations against the Arians and depended his recent conduct in the apology to Constantius and Apology for his flight. Athanasius received about the persecution of Non Arians by the New Arians, Bishop George of Laodicea prompted Athanasius to write his more Emotional History of the Arians in which he describe Constantius as precursor of the anti-Christ. Athanasius work include his two part against the Heathen. The Incarnation of the word of God. They contribute the first classic work of developed orthodox Theology. In the first part, Athanasius attacks several pagan practices and beliefs. The second part presents teaching on the redemption, Also in these books put forward the belief that the Son of God, the eternal word through whom God created the world entered that world in human form to lead men back into the harmony from which they had earlier fall men. His other important works include his letters to Serapion which dealth with the divinity of the Holy Spirit and his classic life of Saint Anthony which was translated into several languages and played an important role in the spreading of the ascetic ideal in Eastern and Western Christianity. He also wrote several works of Biblical Exegesis primarily of volumes in the old testament which are preserved in excerpts regarding the Book of Genesis, The Song of Solomon and Psalms. His works as ascetic include the aforementioned life of Saint Anthony as well as a discourse on virginity, a short work on love and self –control and a treatise on sickness and health which is only preserved in fragments. Athanasius letters include one letter concerning the decrees of the council of Nicaea (De Decretis) which is an account of the preceding’s of that council and another letter in year 367 which was the first known listings of the New Testament. Athanaius anticipates future controversies in defense of the humanity of Christ. Athanasius was not a speculative Theologian as he stated in his first letters to Serapion he held unto the tradition teaching and faith proclaimed by the apostles and guarded by the Father’s. He held that not only was the Son of God consubstantial with the father but so was the Holy Spirit which had a great deal of influenced in the development of latter doctrines regarding the trinity Veneration. Arian Controversy In about 319 when Athanasius was a deacon a presbyter named Arius came into direct conflict with Alexander of Alexandria. It appears that Arius reproached Alexander for what he felt misguided or heretical teachings being taught by the bishop. Arius Theological views appear to have been firmly rooted in Alexandrian Christianity and his Christological views were certainly not radical at all. He embraced a sub ordinationist Christology that God did not have a beginning but the logos did heavily influenced by Alexandrian thinkers like origen which was a common Christological view in Alexandria at that time. Support for Arius from powerful bishops like Elisebios of Caesaria and Eusebio’s of Nicomedia, further illustrates how Arius sub ordinationist Christology was shared by other Christians in the Empire. Arius was subsequent by excommunicated by alexander and he would begin to visit the support of many bishops who agreed with his position. Athanasius succeeded Alexander as bishop of Alexandria as a result rises and falls of Arianism ‘s influence after the first council of nicae, emperor Constantine banished from alexandrea, but he was restored after the death of Constantine I. Athanasius was restored on at least five separate occasions, perhaps as many as seven, this gave rise to the expression Athanasius contramundun or Athanasius against the world. he spent his final years repairing all the damage done during the earlier years of violence, dissent and exile and returning to his writing and preaching undisturbed on May 373 having consecrated peter II . one of his presbyters as his successor . Athanasius died quietly in his home. Quotes from St. Athanasius He said: â€Å"Jesus that I know as my redeemer cannot be less than God. at the council of nicae Both from the confession of the evil spirits and from the daily witnesses of his works. It is manifest them and let none presume to doubt it that its savior has raised his own body and that he is very Son of God having his being God as from a Father, whose word and wisdom and whose power He is. He it is who in these latter days assumed a body for the salvation of us all. and thought the world concerning the Father, He it is who destroyed death and freely graced us all with incorruption through the promise of the resurrection, having raised His own body as its first fruits and displayed it by the sign of the cross as the monument to his victory over death and its corruption. New Testament canon St. Athanasius is also the first person to identify the same 27 books of the new testament that are in use today , up until then various similar list of works to be read in churches were in use A canon of New testament book is his Easter letter from Alexandria written in 367 usually referred to as his 39th Festal letter, A Synod in hippo in 393 repeated Athanasius and Damascus New testament list( without the Epistles to the Hebrews and a synod in cartage in 397 repeated Athanasius and Damascus complete new testament list.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Heart Rate Changes In Different Genders Physical Education Essay

Heart Rate Changes In Different Genders Physical Education Essay This report sets out research based on prior experience and literature carrying out the study of relations between exercise and respiration eventually resulting in variation in pulse rate. In essence the research proposal seeks to understand more about the effect and cause relationship to come out with precise results. The report details the methodological issues connected with the research and it explores the choices and assumptions necessary in planning the research. The aim of the study was to see the effect of age and gender on pulse rate variation in response to exercise. For this investigation we made sure the practical is safe because we would not do things that would affect people and also we would not be dangerous to others. We needed to use pulse-meter to check pulse rate down every finding. In our research it was expected that the pulse rate would increase during the time of exercise and also the breathing rate would be faster than normal and that gender and age would affe ct the pulse rate of people. The weights (dumbles) were given to the subjects to use for five minute and one of us assisted them to make sure they used the weights properly. The pulse rate was noted down before the experiment with the help of pulse meter and was recorded again after carrying out the five minute round of exercise with the weights. The ages and gender were also noted. The results of the experiment proved that the pulse rate increased by a substantial amount after the exercise had been completed and that females had a higher pulse rate than men. Moreover, it was seen that age mens ages increase, their pulse rate increases and there was no correlation between females ages and their pulse rates. This experiment tests the effects of age, gender and exercise on pulse  rate. Pulse rate represents the beating of the heart, specifically the  ejection of blood from the left ventricle to the general circulation of the body.  Before the start of exercise, your pre-exercise heart rate usually  rises  above normal, and this is called an anticipatory response. During  exercise, respiration increases based on the amount of activity being  done. When exercise is being completed, there is an increased demand  for gas exchange, due to the circulatory system being under continuous  stress. Oxygen consumption increases rapidly, as well as carbon dioxide  production.  Regular exercise also produces changes in circulation. The blood flow  to working muscles increase, and this means that more oxygen and  energy can be delivered to the muscle cells. Blood volume and the  number of red blood cells also increase with this large flow, and  oxygen  levels rise conside rably.  In our experiment we have decided to test a type of exercise;  use of weight (dumbles). This will affect various parts of the body and is designed  to  build up stamina and keep a regular heart beat. Objective This experiment aims to discover how exercise can  affect the pulse rate of any given individual by testing their pulse  rate after different amounts of exercise and how gender and age affects the pulse rate. Literature Review Research has shown that the pulse rate of men is slower than the pulse rate for women. Different researches have been conducted on the effect of exercise on the health of human being. The studies were intended to examine the influence of exercise on pulse rate, heart rate and fitness of people. Experts from cardiac health suggest that the best way to keep hearts healthy is a balanced diet, avoiding smoking, and regular exercise. Exercise that is good for your heart elevates your heart rate. The American Heart Association recommends to do exercise that increases your heart rate to between 50 and 75% of your maximum heart rate. They recommend getting at least 30  minutes of exercise on most days of the week (AHA, 2006). The American Heart Association also suggests that pulse rate for woman is considered normal if it is between 70-80 beats per minute. However, pulse rate may be affected by variables such as age, sex, physical fitness, some drugs/medication, genetics and anxiety. A study of (WebMD Medical Reference from Healthwise) revealed that your pulse changes from minute to minute. It will be faster when you exercise, have fever or when you are under stress. It will be slower when you are taking rest. The institute also did an experiment to see the pulse rate difference in males and females. The results of the experiment were that the pulse rate of the females was in fact higher than the male pulse rate by six beats.   The overall female average was 85 beats per minute and the overall for males was 79 beats per minute. Scott Roberts, Ph.D., FACSM, FAACVPR, is an assistant professor in the Department of Physical Education and Exercise Physiology at California State University, Chico. His primary area of expertise is Clinical Exercise Physiology. He has authored and co-authored 10 fitness and exercise science books and over a hundred articles and chapters in books. His studies tell that women have a higher Heart Rate response than men. This response compensates for the lower stroke volumes women have compared to men. The average amount of blood pumped out of the heart per minute is referred to as cardiac output. Another research by the American Journal of hypertension concluded that there was no influence of the exercise on pulse rate, blood pressure level and rates of hypertension of the elderly population of ages 50 and above. But the research showed that regular exercise can develop better health and fitness in the younger population. According to (Silverstein, Alvin Dr., et al, The Circulatory System Canada; Fitzhenrey and Whiteside Ltd.  1994), age also affects the pulse rate.   The usual pulse rate for a baby embryo is 150 b.p.m. (beats per minute).The average pulse rate of an infant140 b.p.m and 90 b.p.m in seven years old.   A man from 30-40 years old usually has a pulse rate of approximately 72 b.p.m; this differs from 76-80 b.p.m for a woman of the same age.   Elderly people have the lowest of the other age groups, which is around 50-65 b.p.m.   Women usually have higher pulse rates than men.   Another difference among pulse rates is physical activity. Exercising, such as playing sports, speed your pulse rate up and almost double the speed of your heart.   A study from Brigham and Womens Hospital also conveys the message that the human health can be judged by four vital signs which are Pulse rate, Body temperature, Respiration rate and the Blood pressure. All of these signs can be controlled and regulated by doing regular exercise. Like all other researches Texas Heart Institute also came up with a thought that exercise can help your body in many ways. Aside from helping you to keep a healthy body weight, exercise increases your mobility, protects against bone loss, reduces your stress levels and pulse rates, and helps you feel better about yourself. And research has shown that people who exercise are less likely to develop heart disease, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol levels. People of any age or fitness level can benefit from some type of exercise, be it running, walking, ballroom dancing, water aerobics, gardening, or any activity you choose. A study from NEMA (National Emergency Medicine Association) shows that many athletes have pulse rates in the 40 60 range depending on how fit they are. In general a lower pulse rate is good and exercise programs helps doing so. In addition to that declines will be seen in resting heart rate, blood pressure, and stress levels as well. Overall body changes will also be experienced including weight loss and increase of lean body mass. Hypothesis Development Null Hypothesis H0 = There is no relationship between the age, gender and pulse rate. HO: p à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚   0 Alternative Hypothesis HA = There is a relationship between the age, gender and pulse rate. HA: p = 0 Theoretical Framework The dependent variable here is the pulse rate which changes when exercise is carried out. So, exercise, gender and age are the independent variables which can be manipulated to determine the change in pulse rate. Some intervening variable also interrupt the independent variable and create a discrepancy in the results. Identification of Variables Independent Exercise Age Gender Dependent Pulse Rate Intervening variables Such as illness, faulty tools etc. DIAGRAM Dependent Variable Independent Variables Age Gender Exercise Pulse Rate Intervening Variables illness, faulty tools Methodology Nature Of study the nature of the study is hypothesis testing. Data Collection The data for our research was obtained through experiment and some secondary sources of information, which included internet articles, journals and books. Population Our target population consisted of males and females living in Lahore. Sample The sample comprises of 1070 people, half males and half females. Instruments The instruments used were two dumbles weighing 5 kg each, a stopwatch and a pulse meter. Procedure: The methodology was based on field Experiment research. 1070 people (half males and half females) were approached in different parks and market areas of Lahore. Convenience sampling was used i.e(willing people were chosen to be a part of the experiment). Their pulse rates were recorded before exercise. They were each asked to use lift two weights of 5 kg each for five minutes. Their pulse rate after the exercise was then recorded using the pulse meter. Their age and gender was recorded. The results were then recorded in SPSS and conclusions were drawn based on the collected results. Reliability The reliability of the instruments was ensured through test-retest method. For test-retest reliability method five males from the sample were chosen. Their pulse rate before exercise was recorded twice after a time interval of two minutes. The results obtained in both the attempts co-related to a high degree (Co-efficient=0.87). Validity The content validity is ensured since the pulse meter is measuring the pulse of a person per minute. Results The results of the experiment are as follows: Descriptives: The results show that the mean values of pulse rate in males are lower than the mean values of the pulse rate in females. This shows that females have a higher pulse rate than men. The results also prove that the pulse rate increases after exercise, as the means of the pulse rates before exercise are lower than the means of the pulse rates after exercise. N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation Without Exercise male 1070 55 105 85.09 10.227 With Exercise male 1070 82 144 116.03 13.118 Valid N (listwise) 1070 N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation With Exercise Female 535 96 144 120.41 10.060 Without Exercise Female 535 70 105 92.19 6.373 Valid N (listwise) 535 Correlation: The table below shows a weak positive correlation between age of males and their pulse rate without exercise. This means that as the ages of males increase, their pulse rate increases. The value is significant. Age Without Exercise pulse Age male Pearson Correlation 1 .270(**) Sig. (2-tailed) .000 N 535 535 Without Exercise pulse males Pearson Correlation .270(**) 1 Sig. (2-tailed) .000 N 535 535 ** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). The table below shows that there is almost no correlation between the age of females and their pulse rate without exercise. This means that the two variables are not related. Age Female Without Exercise pulse Age Female Pearson Correlation 1 .043 Sig. (2-tailed) .317 N 535 535 Without Exercise pulse female Pearson Correlation .043 1 Sig. (2-tailed) .317 N 535 535 Graphical representation of results Discussion We are of the view that when the body is exercising the muscles respire to  produce energy, so the muscles can contract. Oxygen is needed for this  process; the oxygen is carried in the hemoglobin of the red blood  cell. The heart and lungs need to work harder in order to get a  greater amount of oxygen to the muscles for respiration. In muscle cells digested food substances are oxidized to release energy. These  oxidation reactions are called cellular respiration. When muscles use  oxygen in order to respire the process is called aerobic respiration:  The heart rate rises because during exercise, cell respiration in the  muscles increases, so the level of carbon dioxide in the blood rises.  Carbon dioxide is slightly acid; the brain detects the rising acidity  in the blood, the brain then sends a signal through the nervous system  to the lungs to breathe faster and deeper. Gaseous exchange in the  lungs increases allowing more oxygen into the circulatory syst em and removing more carbon dioxide. The brain then sends a signal to the  senatorial node to make the heart beat faster. As a result the heart  rate would rise.  The length of exercise is  increased; the number of beats per minute will rise. The number of  beats per minute rises steadily because the amount of exercise is gradually increased. The heart reacts to this by increasing the number  of times per minute that it beats so that the muscles have enough  oxygen and glucose to work with the greater amount of exercise. In a trial the body temperature of the  exerciser will rise. The heat of the body will increase the heart  rate which will adversely affect our results, making them less  accurate and reliable. We cannot control if the body heats up during  exercise, only to the extent of using a fan to cool the epidermis of  the skin which would lower the temperature of the blood, thus reducing  the bodys core temperature. This would then keep the heart ra te at a  more natural level when a sample will be exercising. The intervening variables which may act at the point of time and are hard to calculate may affect the findings but we are trying to minimize the chance of error by taking measures. Although exercise increases pulse rate, age and gender definitely have an impact on it also. We saw that as age in men increases, their pulse rate also increases, whereas in females, there is no correlation between the age and pulse rates. Moreover, the mean values of pulse rates for females are higher than the mean values of pulse rates for men. Acknowledgements Our debt to people who have supported us in this whole project is enormous. We highly appreciate their complete support, interest, patience and lucid explanations. We highly appreciate the coordination of individuals most of whom we didnt know who cooperated and showed their consent to complete our research. We are really thankful to Mr. Humair Hashmi who taught and led us to the path of attaining a successful Research. References AHA, 2006. Target Heart Rates, American Heart Association [accessed June 20, 2006 WebMD Medical Reference from Healthwise American Journal of Hypertension Brigham and womens Hospital,P00866 Texas Heart Institute NEMA (National Emergency Medicine Association)

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Recovery of Digital Evidence

Recovery of Digital Evidence Introduction The University suspects that a case of wrongdoing has been undertaken by a member of staff within Edge Hill University and the computer forensic team, of which you are part of, has been asked to investigate.   You and your team have been asked to launch an investigation into alleged misuse of the Universitys IT system. The office used a member of staff has been isolated, sealed and secured. The staff member has been interviewed by IT services as well as the Dead of faculty and HR and has subsequently denied all wrongdoing. Items from the staff office have been recovered by your team. The evidence recovery has been conducted in a rigorous secure manner in lines with a strict methodology. The Principles of Digital Evidence Evidence Recovery Process From the start of the process there must be a set way to conduct the investigation, the crime scene is a very delicate place in terms of collection of critical vital evidence, which if left unsecure could be easily be altered or corrupted, therefore its important to follow several key stages, the first being; The Plan of the Investigation Where are, we going to find the suspected evidence, i.e. on Computer system, Smart phone, USB, floppy disc, Hard Drive. Should social media i.e., Twitter, Facebook, Chat Forums, be checked for relevant evidence they may hold. Contact of user ISP for trace history Mobile network contact, may have on online account with online storage. How to conduct the Investigation My Flow Plan Right to Search and Seizure In order to conduct an investigation there are Legal and ethical aspects that are very important and must always be adhered to key points that would always be considered when its decided that evidence will need to be received; Just because there are several computers in the house doesnt necessary mean that they should all be seized for forensic inspection, the person attending the crime scene must have Reasonable grounds to remove possessions and there must be justified reasons for doing this. Due to the sensitive nature of the investigation it would always be a necessary moral characteristic that the investigator would be honest and truthful. Consideration as to whether what items are likely to hold key information, i.e. there would no point in seizing a microwave when we are looking at a computer related crime. Consider the offence, narrow down the time period of suspected crime. Items found that are connected to internet are likely to contain key information and should be seized. Documents/booklets, notepads to be seized as they may hold online storage accounts and passwords where information is held. Approach Strategy This all would be done using a Flow plan for the team to follow as discussed in Assignment 1, Capture of relevant information One of the most important steps within the whole process, if mistake is made here then the whole investigation is under threat. The room was secured and isolated to risk the impact of any tampering with evidence. This could basically fail in to a very similar category, this may involve the collection of volatile date. Volatile data is the data that we have at the scheme of the crime that may be lost if the investigator doesnt follow the correct procedure, i.e. recording what state the computer is on at that time. The Volatile data would be stored for example on a PC in the Ram (Random Access Memory) and would contain key information such as website data, chat history etc. that may be key to overall success of the investigation. Bagging in secure bags that are tamper proof insuring that they are labelled acutely with a reference number for later inspection. Suspected member of staff interviewed denied any wrong doing. Analyse of Evidence Evidence has been recovered from the staff office by a colleague within the forensic team, we have found the following; A USB pen drive seized bagged up in secure zipper bag Feedback to be given to give information on where to investigation in going. Each step to be recorded Time scales available Resources available to investigator Tools that are available for the forensic analysis. Data recovered from the USB drive, seems to just be Standard information but further analysis is needed to establish truth. Evidence Seized Note pad with 3 passwords on; Cabbage Apple Pear USB device seized from the office. From what we can see on the USB is 3 PDFs 3 Images A word document Titled Payments for paper4you Files present on USB Un touched On the next step of my investigation I will open each file without any interference from any Encryption programs. File Payments for papers4you.docx File 30037888.pdf File AUP.pfd , File conduct.pdf Chocolate 1.jpg.png Even more chocolate.jpg.png More Chocolate.jpg.png Investigation of the Evidence For the pupose of the investigation I will now check to see if the items sesiued are extactly as they seem. I do think this step is necessary aspart of the on going investigatiion. In order to check individual files, I will use OpenSteg application, the reason to do this is it will check each induvual file in order to establish any hidden files located on the the USB. To do this I will use a programe called OpenSteg which will highlight any hidden information OpenStego Menu,- As you can see we can Hide or Extract Data from a any file, in this case we will be Extracting the Data from the chosen file. Menu of the file which I wish to look at though OpenStego Chocolate 1 On checking the file, it is clear the it needs a password to open it, I will try the 3-password written down on the note pad recovered from the scene, which are: Apple Cabbage Pear It would appear that there is a file within this picture titled;Master_Sheet.xlsx Upon opening the Excel File it appers that it requires a password of which I have 3 ; Apple Pear Cabbage Apple and Pear are unsuccessful, but Cabbage has grated me access to the Excel file It appears to show Financial transactions from Papers 4 you dated from 2008 to 2016 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 The same was done with the file Even more chocolate.jpg.png Upon doing this it is clear there is a file hidden within the picture titled Invoice Jan-16.docx As per below; Picture 3 to be checked using OpenStego file name More Chocolate Using password Pear Information from file Jan-15 Bring the evidence together as one we could use Encase this would give us a clear understanding of all the evidence together in one file format I have demonstrated in a walk through via screenshots Landing Page Encase New case Location and name File is now given name Assignment 2 and location. Adding Evidence to the case Locate relevant file to add the information needed for the investigation. Section of key files to use as evidence. Summary of the Evidence From conducting this investigation certain key points must be established when investigating the case Facts or fiction and can prove this with hard evidence. Prove that it did happen in the first place. Are we looking at the right person that is accused? Have any mistakes been made., things been missed or thigs been altered. Forming the whole investigation, we can see from the Time Line, what information and by what process was followed It is with my Recommendation that the Case be referred to CPS for Criminal Proceedings. Due to the many breachs with in the law, (Data Protection, Computer misuse act, It Computer Policy) and the and the vast amounts of money received, it is unlikely that internal University formal proceedings would bring accountability for the thief. In Conclusion, it would also be recommended that upon Criminal Proceedings being initiated, that an order for the Proceeds of Crime Act be sort to recover the ill-gotten gains.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Francis Bacon :: Biography

He went to Trinity College when he was twelve years old. He wrote more than thirty philosophical works. He was elected to the House of Commons in 1584. Who is this intelligent person? Francis Bacon. Intelligent and daring, Francis Bacon wrote many letters to important people and philosophical works. Bacon was born in London, England on January 22, 1561. His father was Sir Nicholas Bacon who was a lord keeper of the great seal and his mother was Lady Anne Coke Bacon. She was daughter of Sir Anthony Cooke, who was the tutor to the Tudor royal family. He was the sixth child in the family (â€Å"Francis Bacon† par 1). Bacon was home schooled until he was twelve years old by John Walsall who had graduated Oxford after he attended Trinity College in Cambridge for three years before going to Gray’s Inn in London (â€Å"Francis Bacon† par 2). After college from 1527 to 1578, Bacon traveled with Sir Amias Paulet to Paris. Sir Amias Paulet was the English Ambassador for Paris. During this time, Bacon learned a lot about politics. He was on a mission to study civil law, state politics and language. To learn he traveled to place like Spain, Italy, Tours, Poitiers and Blois (â€Å"Francis Bacon† Par 2). During this time he also worked on some routine diplomatic tasks. He did this until the sudden death of his father. When his father died he returned to England. Bacon interrupted his studies for a position in the diplomatic service in France (Simpson Par 3). He has written over thirty philosophical works. Most of these works are incomplete. They were taken as intervals between Parliament and the Courts (Meyrick Par 1). He was elected into the House of Commons in 1584 and served until 1614 (Simpson Par 1). He rose to the highest political office under James I. Bacon took role of mediator in February 1611. This was the last session of Parliament held under James I (â€Å"Francis Bacon† Par 2). He was one of the leading figures in natural philosophy. He was a lawyer, member of Parliament and Queens Council. He wrote questions about law, state and religion (â€Å"Francis Bacon† Par 1). On May 10, 1606 Bacon married Alice Barnham, who was a young rich lady. They were engaged for three years. He was forty-five and Alice was only fourteen years old. On April 9, 1626 Bacon died outside of London from pneumonia while experimenting with refrigerated foods.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Taken Over By A Computer Game :: English Literature Essays

Taken Over By A Computer Game One day I went to the computer shop and I bought a new computer game. The box in which was the computer game was, looked very nice and I couldn’t resist to buy it. Next day my parents were leaving to France and I was alone†¦ Ok not exactly alone, the baby-sitter that looked after me when I was little came to our house to look after me for 1 week. She was young and she wasn’t a really baby-sitter because she cared more about her hair and nails than about me. Later when it was dark she went out with her friends. The next day when I woke up the baby-sitter wasn’t in the house. I didn’t know what to do. I wanted to call my parents but I thought and realized that if I call them and tell them that there is no one to look after me they would get worried and maybe I will ruin their trip. I tried not to worry but I couldn’t. Then I sat down and I thought for a moment†¦ Nothing could happen to me if I don’t open to anybody and if I stay home. After I watched my favorite TV show I went to play the computer game I bought yesterday. First I installed the game and then I started playing. It was a simulation game where you are supposed to drive a space ship and safely get back to earth. The first level of the game was very easy. I destroyed all the asteroids that were coming towards me but I couldn’t communicate with the station because a small asteroid hit right in the back of the ship where the communicable devices were. Now I couldn’t go back to the space station to re-fuel the space ship. On the next level something strange happened. The screen of the monitor started flickering and something white appeared before me. Suddenly I could see myself going about 500 kilometers per minute in some kind of a tunnel. It was a green and blue tunnel were I could smell something like burning plastic and I could hear a sound like grasshoppers singing. Suddenly I was standing in a place with many buttons around me, about 5 monitors and I could see asteroids through the big window in front of me. I was in the space ship.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Intrusion Detection Systems Essay

A user with full permissions and who misuse his powers. Clandestine user: A user who acts as a supervisor and tries to use his privileges so as to avoid being captured. [edit] Types of intrusion detection systems For the purpose of dealing with IT, there are two main types of IDS: Network intrusion detection system (NIDS) It is an independent platform that identifies intrusions by examining network traffic and monitors multiple hosts. Network intrusion detection systems gain access to network traffic by connecting to a network hub, network switch configured for port mirroring, or network tap. In a NIDS, sensors are located at choke points in the network to be monitored, often in the demilitarized zone (DMZ) or at network borders. Sensors captures all network traffic and analyzes the content of individual packets for malicious traffic. An example of a NIDS is Snort. Host-based intrusion detection system (HIDS) It consists of an agent on a host that identifies intrusions by analyzing system calls, application logs, file-system modifications (binaries, password files, capability databases, Access control lists, etc. ) and other host activities and state. In a HIDS, sensors usually consist of a software agent. Some application-based IDS are also part of this category. An example of a HIDS is OSSEC. Intrusion detection systems can also be system-specific using custom tools and honeypots. In the case of physical building security, IDS is defined as an alarm system designed to detect unauthorized entry. [edit] Passive and/or reactive systems In a passive system, the intrusion detection system (IDS) sensor detects a potential security breach, logs the information and signals an alert on the console and or owner. In a reactive system, also known as an intrusion prevention system (IPS), the IPS auto-responds to the suspicious activity by resetting the connection or by reprogramming the firewall to block network traffic from the suspected malicious source. The term IDPS is commonly used where this can happen automatically or at the command of an operator; systems that both â€Å"detect† (alert) and/or â€Å"prevent. † [edit] Comparison with firewalls Though they both relate to network security, an intrusion detection system (IDS) differs from a firewall in that a firewall looks outwardly for intrusions in order to stop them from happening.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Quality Compliance Manager

IHRM Case Study 1 1. Consider the three candidates in Exhibit A below. It forced to make a decision tomorrow, which candidate should Alistair choose for the job? What major factors should determinate his choice? Trianon is an Anglo-French avionics company, headquarter is in Marseille. Alistair was hire as Director of Personnel Development European Division, and he has to recruit a Quality Compliance Manager for the site in Hungary. In fact, decision was making for a ten-year joint venture with a Hungarian government-backed firm.The new manager needs to be available soon and has to be familiar with the joint venture’s objectives and targets. The way I see best to be able to choose between the given candidates for Alistair, is to start by list the strengths and weakness for the fitting job. A more refined way to approach this task is taking in consideration the three proposed candidates and reviews the job description accordingly to the strengths and weakness. Reaching out to po ssible close regions such as Hungary would help in giving a clearer view the abilities of the best fitting candidate.Having said that there is no perfect candidate among the three. From the short list given by Alistair each of the three have their strengths and weakness balanced out. Maria: Mrs, Erten-Loiseau is the best-fit choice for the job. As she was educated in France and Germany, it’s to the advantage of starting up joint venture to hire a candidate that fluently speaks in French and German. In addition to have worked for Trianon for 13 years insures that she can handle a high level of responsibility and already has insight of processes and procedures.Already proven her abilities in the success of the two projects in Lodz, Poland and Czech Republic. Having said all that the two possible weaknesses to keep in mind is her marriage to a semi-retired husband with a child in university therefore might not be able for the shift to Hungary. As well as Mrs. , Maria would be ne w to the production of the cathode ray tube, no previous experience. Janos Gabor: Mr Janos was born, raised and educated in Hungary so for that reason he is fluent in Hungarian. Jones is single with no responsibilities and independent on taking decisions unlike Mrs.Maria and for these two reasons he wouldn’t have issues in working in hungary and possible trips to Germany and France . In addition an advantage of his, that he has experience in the production of the cathode ray tube as he is the Senior Engineer of the production and is familiar with maintain a facility. As well his family has strong connections with national government officials. Having this relation would be a bonus asset to expanding contacts for the long term of Trianon. Having said all this he is a great risk knowing he his short time frame with Trainon would create a conflict between local contracts and Trainon.Sinead Marrinan McGuire: Mrs. Sinead resume has impressive technical potentials in particular in the field of joint ventures. Mrs. McGuire on the other has many weaknesses that wouldn’t be fit as a candidate for the position. Beginning with she has been more drawn to the Western Europe regions, therefore has constraints in languages and communication abilities. She is married and her wife is well culture submerged and has a stable career in Ireland along with three children. Taking her into consideration as a potential candidate one should take into consideration what chapter 4 talks about  « family friendly policies  » . We are told nothing of the process that Trianon uses to recruit candidates for this level of final selection. Given what you know about the firm from the case, outline a general recruitment and selection process for Trianon. Describe how your proposed process fits with best selection practices as well as the strategic needs of this company? The first and forth most step in recruitment and selection process for Trianon HR team would be to create a jo b description for the role required for Quality Compliance Manager of the joint venture in Hungary.The role of job analysis is to provide information about what duties the job entails and what human characteristics are required to perform these activities as said by Dressler (2011) . Having that in mind would help the Trainon HR team to conclude a job description, role and responsibility, and job specification to make the decision for the three years contract based in Hungry. The advantage to start off this way would help in eliminating candidates leaving the best fit for the job and parallel stating it making it clear from the start.To the typical job identification details it should include the following: client relationships, responsibilities and duties, solve any optical that comes along and the goals to be achieved. Before staffing the criteria must be defined. The criteria aren’t the same for each expatriation. The most frequent criteria are: – Technical Ability: Maintains and demonstrates appropriate and necessary technical knowledge related to a discipline or Agency function and continues to refine relevant analytical/technical skills as well as professional judgment. Cross-cultural suitability: will the candidate be able to function in the new environment, how adaptable is a person. – Family Requirements: When the department of IHRM is recruiting for a position abroad they also must take into account the family factor. -MNE Requirements: The MNE must make the right choice of their strategies of expatriates; HCN, PCN, TCN -Language: The expatriate should have some good language skills. It is important to have a basis of the mother tong of the country. Country / Cultural Requirements: The employee must be well informed about the culture and traditions of the country in which it will work. It must also be informed about the management habits. -The use of selection tests. There are 4 strategies of international Staffing (Heenan &Perlm utter): Ethnocentric, Geocentric, Polycentric, and Geocentric. In our case with Trianon, it would be wiser to choose the ethnocentric staffing strategy. This strategy is fine for businesses that are at the beginning of their internationalization.We know that it’s Trianon’s first joint – venture with an Easter European company. Ethnocentric is a staffing policy that is used in companies that has primarily international strategic orientation. Headquarters generally adopts this policy by sending employees from the home or parent countries to the host country. This approach is used best in some situations such as, a team is sent from the home country to help setting up a new plant as well as train subsidiary personnel to use new system.The benefit of having staffs from home country abroad is that employees may gain experiences worldwide in order to become higher level in management of their headquarters because international managers require broad perspective and in ternational exposure. In this recruitment strategy the key positions are occupied by PCN’s. PCN’s are going from the headquarters to the subsidiaries, in our case to the new firm. The reasons why we use PCN’s are quit clear. Several advantages result from employing PCNs who have experience in the organization rather than headquarters as being familiar ith the organizations goals, products, services, technology, policies, and procedures usually considers HCNs or TCNs. PCNs. This familiarity may help facilitate coordination, control, and development of organizational strategy. I think it is important because this joint venture is a new project that has been decided very quickly. Having a PCN on place will permit Trianon to keep an eye on all activities. After have finished with step one, advertising will play the next role meaning to spread the word around job opening opportunity, example through internal market as Trianon website and external markets.The applican t’s resumes would have to be sifted by a assigned person that has the speed /intelligence if possible engineer or project management skills to narrow down the applicants for an interview(s). The interview can be conducted the following methods: work samples, virtual presentations, contacting previous references of applicant (supervisors or managers), cognitive ability and lastly a personal interview. Issues to be discussed during the interviews by the interviewer should consist of family status (if flexible in travelling multiple times and surely to live in Hungry) and cross-cultural aptitude.Reference: (2011) Dressler, G. 2011, Human Resource Management, 12th edn, Pearson Education /Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NY, p. 117. 3. Should RH staff be involved in strategic decisions relating to international business operations such as finalizing a joint venture agreement? A joint venture is a contractual business undertaking between two or more parties. It is similar to a bu siness partnership, with one key difference: a partnership generally involves an ongoing, long-term business relationship, whereas a joint venture is based on a single business transaction.Individuals or companies choose to enter joint ventures in order to share strengths, minimize risks, and increase competitive advantages in the marketplace. Frayne and Geringer (1990) show that out of control mechanisms and coordination of formal and traditional, such as the majority position in providing capital or having representatives in the Board of Directors, practices of human resource management are also potentially valuable mechanisms to exercise control and coordination in international joint ventures.Compared to the final structure of the system of coordination in a joint venture international coordination mechanisms based on the human resources are often the key factors in determining the effectiveness of the system. Without the growth of human resources now considered a strategic reso urce within a company, it would be difficult to ensure the future strategic long-term business, even if financial resources are crucial.In international joint ventures, the role of human resources is essential to achieve the desired outcomes (Frayne & Geringer, 1990, Cyr & Schneider, 1996). A set of policies and practices of human resource management developed carefully can contribute significantly to the success of international joint venture. It can help the adjustment of cultures and practices among business partners in the joint venture, as a mechanism for coordination, organizational learning, strengthen the selection and leadership development to be able to work in international cooperation.On the other hand, human resource management can help increase the productivity of the joint venture, as well as the capacity of partner companies to reap the benefits (Child & Faulkner, 1998) There are four main dimensions among the practices of human resource management that are likely to be used as coordination mechanisms: recruitment and how to fill key positions, training and development, performance appraisal, strategies remuneration and reward.Practices of human resource management can help to achieve the strategic objectives of firm’s relatives. One example is in the number of executives from parent firms, the latter may well coordinate and directs the activities of the joint venture. In addition, the use of training and the use of flexibility can also help overcome differences in strategic and national cultures between parent firms (Chapter 3).

Heal hospital Essay

The healing hospital paradigm emphasizes the eradication of stress and other health risks in the healthcare environment for patients and visitors. The factors that influence these health risks are inherent to the setting of the hospital, not the illnesses being treated. For instance, patients become stressed because of painful therapeutic procedures, lack of social life, deterioration of financial status because of healthcare expenditures, etc. In order to guarantee that the patient’s well being is maintained, the amount of stress must be curtailed. Additionally, the all-inclusive care and attention components of the paradigm guarantees that the patient’s recovery process are utilized to the zenith without infringing upon their dignity and privacy. Instead of just simply curing the disease, the healing hospital paradigm incorporates the healing of the whole patient (Young & Koopsen, 2006). This is served from the paradigm’s focus on healing beyond the physical bo dy. It intends to improve the overall welfare of the individual by not only addressing the patient’s cognitive, emotional, and spiritual concerns, but also those of the family’s (Milstein, 2005). In order to develop a healing environment, certain barrier must be overcome within the context of the hospital setting. This paper will analyze the healing hospital paradigm, recognize its significance in care giving method, portray its aspects, and depict its connections to spirituality. Healing Hospital Aspects A healing hospital goes beyond windows, walls, and mortar. Its strong culture of love and caring is what sets it apart from traditional hospitals (Chapman, 2010). The healing hospital is composed of three essential aspects. Healing Environment Hospitals should be a healing physical environment. This denotes that hospitals should be free of any physical disturbances that could potentially cause stress. These outside factors consist of excessive noise, a morbid or  dull environment, and panic-inducing disorganization. In order to diminish these external environmental factors, employees must meticulously construct an organized hospital setting that complies with the aspects of a physical healing environment. Employees are given the proper training to become successful caregivers who are cognizant in patient and family interaction. This method of interaction will help patients and families cope with their grief and deal with their concerns. By engaging all five senses, the environment is designed to establish a spiritual relationship. Stefanidakis states that by choosing the appropriate colors, human behavior will be influenced to the desired effects and psychological systems will be established (2001). For example, the color green denotes a healing and nurturing environment–one symbolizing unconditional love and growth. This is due to the fact that color has the incredible ability to trigger emotional responses such as peacefulness, irritability, or cheerfulness. Furthermore, designing the hospital interior in a manner that resembles a church or temple promotes spirituality. This can be done by including religious artifacts such as rosary beads. However, the patient must feel in control of the environment in order for stress relief to occur. This control can be achieved with lighting, temperature, etc. Integrating Technology and Work Design Technology plays a large role in the healing hospital paradigm. Its interweaving into the healing hospital structure permits staff members to work with systematic efficiency, routing work in a way that amplified the patient’s and family’s comfort. In this more tranquil environment, patients receive much more sleep and, thus allow their bodies sufficient time to heal. Equipped with technological advancements such as cleaning machines with internal silencers and wireless phones for direct communication with the healthcare team, employees are competent in the effective use of this technology. Thus, they advocate a quiet and healing ambience. Developing a low stress environment, the staff is prone to fewer distractions. The lack of distraction leads to a decrease in common medical errors. The Culture of Loving Care Former executive of the Baptist Healing Hospital Trust Erie Chapman believes that the most important aspect of the healing hospital intertwined treatment with a significant component consisting of love, care, and empathy (Chapman, 2010). Constructing an intriguing culture in which the staff members are cognizant of their duties and are adept at unreservedly executing them through is a fundamental aspect of the healing hospital. All caregivers must advocate unconditional love for patients as well as visitors by incorporating it into their daily actions. Compassionate care through relationships in which the patient is the center is the basis on which the development of the healing hospital rests. Staff members inspire hope by exhibiting unconditional love through the utilization of compassionate care and the minimization of grief and stress levels of the patients and their families. Additionally, prayer strengthens hope and grounds the healing hospital in a spiritual relationship. Challenges of the Healing Hospital Environment As stated by Chapman (2010), there are five challenges that healing hospitals must conquer constantly. First, the growing amount of medical technology such as wires, tubes, and pharmaceuticals has monopolized healthcare to the point that healthcare professionals have forgotten the healing essentials such as the loving care method and the belief in the unification of body, mind, and spirit. Identifying the demand for, and providing balance between loving care and technology results in a raise in patient satisfaction. Next, the progression of technology has resulted in a tremendous focus on profits and market share rather than care. Although much ignored and neglected, the â€Å"Servants’ Heart† are faithful to their duty to provide Radical Loving Care; this is where leaders play an important role in â€Å"taking care of the people who take care of people† (Chapman, 2010). Thirdly, intimacy between patients and employees are often stripped as traditional hospitals and prisons partake in a type of institutionalism that destroys identity. By substituting patients’ clothes with hospital garments, names with identification numbers, and privacy with sharing rooms with strangers, a common institutionalism is set. Moreover, visiting hours restrictions have  the tendency to make a patient feel as though he or she is a hostage. In contrast, caregivers are often required to perform repetitive tasks with unparalleled precision. This is referred to as a â€Å"bureaucracy† or an organization that resembles a difficult-to-work-with machine (Chapman, 2010). In addition, cynicism is deleterious when it comes to caring for the patient. Believer or not, love should not be seen as a â€Å"nice thing† but as a â€Å"vital part† of patient’s recovery (Chapman, 2010). Healing is multi-faceted and and embodies the physical, emotional, and spiritual concerns of the patients. Lastly, leadership is a dig munificent component in patient healing. Given the opportunity and responsibility to prioritize loving care, leaders are encouraged to make sure their caregivers provide it. Biblical Passage Supporting the Concept of a Healing Hospital James 5:14-15 illustrates Jesus’ healing of the ill. In particular, Jesus asks if there are any ill people in the crowd. If there are, they should call for the elders of the church for an anointing with the sacred oil. This type if anointment will heal the sick because of their faith through the power of prayer (King James Version). This advocates the healing hospital paradigm since it recognizes a clear relationship between healing and prayer. This passage enforces the same belief, whereby the importance of the spiritual aspect of the healing process is brought to light. Since it is rooted in spirituality, prayer can effectively instill hope in patients and families. Though a relatively new turn in the medical profession, the healing hospital is increasingly gaining in popularity. Not only affecting the body but also the patient’s and family’s overall well being, the patient-centric attention and care facilities provided by the hospital adds to the healing hospital paradigm in a member that highlights radical love and compassionate care. Through spirituality, the healing hospital paradigm draws on hope and coping strategies, and thus forged support for its practices from both secular and religious communities. As in scriptures, a body frees itself of sin through piety and community, and with that community comes hope and solace. References Chapman, E. (2010). Radical loving care: building the healing hospital in America. Nashville, TN: Vaughn Printing. Milstein, J. (2005). A paradigm of integrative care: healing with curing throughout life, â€Å"being with† and â€Å"doing to†. Journal of Perinatology, 25, 563-568. doi: 10.1038/ Stefanidakis, S. (2001). Healing with color and the human aura. Retrieved February 11, 2011 from Young, C., & Koopsen, C. (2006). Spirituality, health, and healing (1 ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.